What is Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is an evidenced based health profession that maximises the movement potential of the body.
Physiotherapy is the third biggest health profession in Australia, only behind Nurses and GPs. Physiotherapists occupy positions in Hospitals, private practices, aged care homes, medical centres, rehabilitation centres, sporting organisations and Government. We are leaders in the provision of musculoskeletal care across all these domains and take great pride in our work to improve the health and wellbeing of the community.
Throughout the phases of life the body is subject to sustained pressures (non-traumatic events) such as prolonged postures (in the office, in the car), repetitive manual lifting (at work, at home) and traumatic events (sport, surgery or even falls).
Our bodies are capable vehicles that can adapt to our lifestyle demands, utilising the full musculoskeletal system (muscles, tendons, joints, nerves, ligaments and bones), cardiorespiratory system (heart and lungs) and neurological system (brain and nerves). These Movement dysfunctions resulting from pain, weakness, inflexibility, impaired balance can be treated to optimise your movement ability.
Physiotherapists play a big role in treating injuries whether traumatic or non-traumatic in nature, with the ultimate goal of returning the individual to pre-injury capacity. We also educate and inform on ways to prevent future injury.
Through careful consideration and thorough discussion + assessment of the patient, the movement dysfunction can be identified and a management plan created.
What we want to achieve:
Return to normal function
Reduced risk of reinjury
Improved quality of life