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Ankle pain treatment in Ashfield

Common conditions we provide pain relief for include ankle sprains and Achilles tendinopathy.

With a thorough assessment of your condition, we can provide a provisional diagnosis and start a management plan. 


  1. -        Ankle sprain (ATFL, CLF ligament sprain/tear) - Common

  2. -        Calf tear - Pain in calf usually from running. 

  3. -        Tibialis posterior tendinopathy - Pain down inside foot/ankle region. 

  4. -        Achilles tendinopathy (Midportion or Insertional) - Pain on heel. 

  5. -        Retrocalcaneal bursitis 

  6. -        AITFL sprain/tear - Inability to perform tasks such as lunging. 

  7. -        Distal tibia, fibula fractures

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