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Hip pain treatment in Ashfield
Common conditions we provide pain relief for include greater trochanteric bursitis, gluteal tendinopathy and hamstring strains / tear.
With a thorough assessment of your condition, we can provide a provisional diagnosis and start a management plan.
- Greater trochanteric bursitis - Pain on or around the hip bone.
- Gluteus medius tendinopathy/tendinosis/tendinitis. - Pain in buttock.
- Referred Pain - The problem may not always be at the site of pain.
- Piriformis syndrome - Usually painful with sitting.
- Adductor strain, tendinopathy/tendinosis/tendinitis
- Hip flexor strain or tendinopathy.
- Ischial bursitis - Pain with sitting.
- Hamstring strain or tear - Due to running, kicking or overstretching.
- Hamstring tendinopathy.
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